Research on Smoking/vaping marijuana


 Smoking marijuana and coronavirus: Even occasional use raises risk of  Covid-19 complications                                                              Questionnaire – Research Infrastructures and COVID-19 Research |


 Research on Smoking/Vaping Marijuana and covid-19

        Cannabis smoke contains many chemicals and fine particles that are known to be toxic and carcinogenic,and to cause genetic mutations(Moir et al., 2008; Manolis, Manolis, & Manolis, 2019). These chemicals are further known to cause cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (Brook et al., 2010; Pope et al., 2009; Manolis et al., 2019). When smoking cannabis, using either a joint,a bong or a pipe, individuals tend to inhale more deeply and to keep the smoke in their lungs for longer. These behaviors are intended to expose the respiratory system to greater quantities of the psychoactive ingredients in cannabis, but also result in greater exposure to toxins and chemicals that can irritate respiratory tissue (Manolis et al., 2019).


       Cannabis smoking can have negative impacts on lung health. Cannabis smoking is related to a greater incidence of chronic cough and phlegm production (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine[NASEM], 2017). Other respiratory symptoms, including wheezing, sore throat, chest tightness and hoarse voice,have been extensively reported with regular and heavy use of cannabis (Hancox, Shin, Gray, Poulton, & Sears, 2015; Moore, Augustson, Moser, & Budney, 2005; Taylor, Poulton, Moffit, Ramankutty, & Sears, 2000; Tetrault, et al., 2007). Long-term cannabis smoking can worsen respiratory symptoms and lead to more frequent episodes of chronic bronchitis (NASEM, 2017). There is emerging evidence that quitting cannabis smoking can reverse some of the negative respiratory symptoms associated with its use (NASEM, 2017).


           THC from cannabis or  in other forms can inhibit the ability of the immune system to protect the body from foreign pathogens, thus increasing susceptibility to infections. For example,growing evidence from pre-clinical studies in rodents and monkeys has shown that THC is able to suppress the ability of immune system cells and “immune messengers” to modulate an adequate immune response (Eisenstein & Meissler (2015) against foreign pathogens such as viruses. In humans, some studies have shown that THC can inhibit the functioning of several types of immune cells in the lungs (Shay et al., 2003; Tashkin & Roth, 2006), an effect that has been suggested to alter the immune system defenses of lungs and increases susceptibility to infections.There have not been many studies examining the effects of THC and other cannabinoids on the immune system in humans (NASEM, 2017) and more studies are needed to confirm the effects of THC on immune competencies in both healthy and compromised individuals (NASEM, 2017). However,the large body of pre-clinical evidence supports the hypothesis that THC has a potential affect on immune functioning. 


Vaping of unregulated cannabis extracts can lead to severe lung and pulmonary illnesses. Recently, cannabis vaping products that were mostly purchased on the illegal market have been associated with severe pulmonary illness,which in some cases resulted in death (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2019; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020; Health Canada, 2019). While it is unknown which substance or substances in these products led to these outcomes, the primary agent appears to be vitamin E, which is used as a thickener in cannabinoid-infused oils. A recent study has shown that heating vitamin E acetate can produce carcinogenic alkenes, benzene and toxic ketene gas (Wu & O’Shea, 2020), chemicals that potentially played a role in the pulmonary illnesses associated with vaping unregulated cannabis extracts containing high levels of vitamin E acetate.


There is emerging evidence suggesting that cannabis smoking can have negative consequences on an individual’s respiratory system and immune competences. There is no evidence that smoking or vaping cannabis can prevent, alleviate or treat COVID-19 symptoms. Cannabis smoking or vaping could worsen the respiratory symptoms of COVID-19. The National Institute on Drug Abuse in the United States has recently warned that COVID-19 could be a serious danger for populations with substance use disorders, including people who smoke or vape tobacco or cannabis (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2020). Rates of cannabis use among adults aged 65 years and older has been rising in Canada. Older adults are at greater risk of developing respiratory and cardiovascular complications,and the co-occurrence of cannabis smoking and COVID-19 could increase the risk of these complications. Impaired lung function could put people who smoke or vape cannabis at risk for serious complications from COVID-19. The extent to which cannabis smoke impacts respiratory and immune health in humans is currently not well-known. However, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, any behaviours that might put an individual’s health at risk should be carefully considered;this includes smoking and vaping cannabis. 







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